USG's first Active Learning Classroom was inaugurated in 2015 and features 6 tables capable of multiple configurations with computers in each pod, 55" monitors next to each seating pod and an 80" interactive monitor in the front of the room. By implementing collaborative learning techniques and shifting from an instructor-centered to a student-centered classroom, the following changes can be observed:

Instructor-Centered Classroom

Students shift from... 


Student-Centered Classroom


Listener, observer and note taker  Active problem solver, contributor, and discussant. 
 Low or moderate expectations of preparation for class High expectations of preparation for class 
Private presence in the classroom with few or no risks  Public presence with many risks
Attendance dictated by personal choice  Attendance dictated by community expectation
Competition with peers  Collaborative work with peers 
Responsibilities and self-definition associated with learning independently  Responsibilities and self-definition associated with learning interdependently 
Viewing teachers and texts as the sole sources of authority and knowledge Viewing peers, self, and the community as additional and important sources of authority and knowledge 
Table adapted from MacGregor, J. (1990). Collaborative learning: Shared inquiry as a process of reform. In M.D. Svinicki (Ed.), The changing face of college teaching (pp. 19-30). New Directions for Teaching and Learning, No. 42 San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.