Board Statement on Commitment to Equity

Ratified by the USG Board of Advisors, October 21, 2020

The Board of Advisors of the Universities at Shady Grove (USG) is actively committed to
ensuring that access to the benefits of higher education extends to all students, with a special
focus on increasing opportunities for students of color and students from immigrant, minority
and low-income families.
We believe that all students, regardless of their background or country of origin, bring to our
campus unique perspectives and experiences that enrich our community. In doing so, they
reflect who we are – and what we strive for USG to be – an institution that provides all people
with the opportunity to receive an affordable high quality education and succeed in a place
where they feel valued, supported and respected.
We pursue this work by informing, influencing, and inspiring education leaders, the business
community, government officials and the general public - maintaining a focus on diversity and
inclusion in all aspects of our representation.