USG STEM Symposium

Monthly Virtual Series [via Zoom]

Sponsored by the Engineering and Technology Hub & the Health and Life Sciences Hub

The USG STEM Symposium is a series of virtual workshops held monthly throughout the academic year, showcasing academic programs in two of USG's industry hubs — Engineering & Technology and Health & Life Sciences. Each workshop focuses on a critical industry-relevant topic, highlighting how the featured programs at USG prepare students to tackle emerging challenges in their fields. These sessions offer a dynamic platform for collaboration between different academic disciplines and provide insights into cutting-edge issues and opportunities within and across academic programs at USG. 

These workshops are open to anyone who may have an interest in STEM-based academic programs and/or STEM-related topics including prospective students (high school; community college; and graduate students); current students enrolled in academic programs at USG; current students enrolled in academic programs at home institutions; alumni; faculty; staff; employers/industry representatives; and community members).

Register for any or all of our upcoming sessions on Zoom:

Mar. 26, 4-5pm - The Science of Medical Cannabis and Psychedelics

Featuring Keynote Speaker: Dr. Andrew Coop, Professor and Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy 

Pharmaceutical science plays a crucial role in developing new medications. This webinar will explore the pharmaceutical science behind cannabis and psychedelics, highlighting their significance in the biotechnology sector and the expanding medical cannabis industry in Maryland. 


Past Symposiums

Sept. 25, 4-5pm - Introduction to Generative AI

Featuring Keynote Speaker: Dr. Ali Yousuf, UMBC, M.P.S. in Data Science Program

Delve into the exciting world of Machine Learning and Generative AI concepts. Participants will learn about advanced tools to create aesthetically controllable, text-driven, art generation tools.

Nov. 11, 4-5pm - From Bench to Business: The Science of Skin Aging

Featuring Keynote Speaker: Dr. Kan Cao, UMCP Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

Understand the molecular mechanisms underlying aging and how Dr. Cao’s lab research on Hutchinson Gilford Progeria syndrome led to a fascinating discovery that has revolutionized the skin care industry.

Dec. 4, 3-4pm - What Are Vaccines and How Do They Work?

Featuring Keynote Speaker: Dr. Mark Schenerman, UMBC, M.P.S. in Biotechnology Program

Vaccines provide one of the best values in healthcare, yet they are often misunderstood by the public. This presentation will cover what vaccines are, how they work, and where to find reliable information on their safety and efficacy. Special emphasis will be placed on debunking myths and misconceptions with evidence-based science.

[Video Recording Not Available]

Feb. 27, 4-5pm - What is Bioinformatics?

Featuring Keynote Speaker: Dr. Elizabeth Friar, UMBC, B.S. in Translational Life Science Technology Program

Explore the fast-growing field of bioinformatics, where biology and data science intersect to drive innovation in biotech and biomedical research. This session will cover the essential skills for entering the field and highlight UMBC's Translational Life Science Technology (TLST) major's bioinformatics track as a direct pathway to careers in Maryland’s biotech industry.