Individuals with a parking permit and qualifying vehicle are eligible for a green vehicle discount of 20% off the cost of their permit. Vehicles must be certified EPA SmartWay Elite to qualify for the Green Vehicle Program. Green vehicle owners must visit the TAPS Office to enroll in the program. At the time of enrollment, drivers must provide a copy of the vehicle registration. The carpool and green vehicle discounts may not be applied to the same permit. This discount cannot be applied retroactively. 


Individuals with a parking permit are eligible for a carpool discount of 50% off the cost of their permit. Carpoolers must visit the TAPS Office to enroll, and will be issued one permit and one gate card per carpool. At the time of enrollment, each member of the carpool will also receive a number of one-day passes for use on non-carpool days. The carpool and green vehicle discounts may not be applied to the same permit. This discount cannot be applied retroactively. 


The Guaranteed Ride Home Program provides commuters who regularly (twice a week) choose sustainable transportation with a free and reliable ride home when on of life's unexpected emergencies arise. This service is provided through Commuter Connections.

Commuters may take advantage of GHR up to four times per year for unexpected emergencies such as a personal illness or a sick child. GRH can also be used for unscheduled overtime when your employer mandates that you must stay late. Knowing there's a guaranteed ride home allows one to use sustainable transportation options with peace of mind and confidence. Best of all, the Guaranteed Ride Home service is free!

Sign Up for Guaranteed Ride Home. Some restrictions apply. Please read the participation guidelines.


There are two electric vehicles parking spaces located at the east end of Lot #5 marked with signage. There are also two electric vehicle spaces located on the ground floor of Shady Grove Garage and 4 electric vehicle spaces on the ramp when you enter Traville Gateway Garage. Vehicles parked in these spaces should be actively charging their battery.


Bicycles must be parked at provided bicycle racks. Bicycles secured to any other item or left unsecured may be removed at the owner's risk and expense. Secure bicycle racks are provided at:

  • Building I - south side
  • Building II and Traville Gateway Garage - between the structures
  • Building III  southwest corner

A Capital Bikeshare station is located on Traville Gateway Drive at the southwest corner of Building III.