Have a Student with Testing Accommodations? 

Faculty are legally required to provide testing accommodations listed on students’ official accommodation letters while protecting students’ confidentiality. 

Confirm your student's appointment

  • Students with testing accommodations request to take an exam with USG DSS via the online student test request form seven days prior to their exam. After submission of this form, faculty are sent a confirmation of the request via the email students provide for them.
  • Once a student requests test proctoring, faculty should complete the faculty test request form, which indicates their approval of the students’ requested date and time and provides USG DSS with specific instructions for test administration.
  • Faculty/staff can submit testing materials through the faculty request form, hand-deliver, or email (usg-disAbility@umd.edu) the exam at least 2 business days prior to the student's test proctoring appointment.
  • Instructions and request forms must be submitted no later than 5:00pm, 1 day before the exam. Reminder emails will be sent to faculty 24 hours before the date of the exam. 
  • Faculty/staff have the option to receive the exam back via email or by picking up the exam from the USG DSS office.


Contact usg-disAbility@umd.edu for any questions or concerns regarding testing.