USG maintains compliance with federal and state environmental regulations and overall protection of environmental resources. Staff work closely with University System of Maryland, College Park in managing environmental risk by overseeing policies, procedures, and education and training programs.

Storm Water Management

Campus holds a National Pollution Discharge Detection and Elimination System (NPDES), Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Phase II General Permit, which covers the discharge of all stormwater runoff that enters the storm drain system, including discharges from building rooftops, roads, pavement, parking lots, landscape elements, and construction runoff for protection of Maryland waterways. The permit requires the university to meet certain discharge limitations and employ Best Management Practices (BMPs) to minimize pollutants discharged into stormwater. Additional Stormwater Management information can be found on the Maryland Department of the Environment website.

Stormwater Issues

Stormwater Discharge Permit

Public Participation